quinta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2012

Centro Industrial de Aratu - O Centro Industrial de Aratu (CIA) é um complexo industrial multissetorial fundado em 1967 localizado na Região Metropolitana de Salvador nos municípios de Simões Filho e Candeias, distante 18 km do centro de Salvador, 22,5 km do Pólo Industrial de Camaçari, 15 km do Aeroporto Internacional de Salvador e 25 km do Porto de Salvador. Em sua área encontra-se em operação o Porto de Aratu, além de empreendimentos dos segmentos químico, metal-mecânico, calçadista, alimentício, metalúrgico, moveleiro, de minerais não metálicos, plásticos, fertilizantes, eletroeletrônicos, bebidas, logística, têxtil, serviços e comércio.[1] - Aratu Industrial Center - The Aratu Industrial Center (IAC) is a multisectoral industrial complex founded in 1967 in the metropolitan area of Salvador in the municipalities of Simões Filho and Candeias, 18 km distant from the center of Salvador, 22.5 km of the Industrial Camaçari, 15 km from Salvador International Airport and 25 miles from the Port of Salvador. In your area is operating the Port of Aratu, and enterprises of the chemical segments, metalworking, footwear, food, metallurgy, furniture, non-metallic minerals, plastics, fertilizers, electronics, beverages, logistics, textiles, services and trade. [1]Aratu Industrial Center - The Aratu Industrial Center (IAC) is a multisectoral industrial complex founded in 1967 in the metropolitan area of Salvador in the municipalities of Simões Filho and Candeias, 18 km distant from the center of Salvador, 22.5 km of the Industrial Camaçari, 15 km from Salvador International Airport and 25 miles from the Port of Salvador. In your area is operating the Port of Aratu, and enterprises of the chemical segments, metalworking, footwear, food, metallurgy, furniture, non-metallic minerals, plastics, fertilizers, electronics, beverages, logistics, textiles, services and trade. [1] -